Who doesn’t love relaxing with a nice glass of wine now and then? How about an evening wine walk? Here are the Best Damn Wine Walk events in beautiful Boulder City.
Best Damn Wine Walks started in 2015, all thanks to the wonderful idea from a couple of locals. On the second Saturday of each month September- April, Boulder City’s Historic District becomes flooded with both locals and tourists looking to explore the beautiful historic district, meet some amazing business owners and make some new wine walk friends.
Each month has a special theme that participants are encouraged to dress up! As you explore the shops an nd make your way around town, one of the businesses will be judging the theme participants and one lucky winner is revealed at the end of the evening. The prize is provided by the Theme Judge from that month. The Best Dam Wine Walk typically has a minimum of 20 participating businesses.
To participate, you MUST check in and receive a Stamp (ID is on you (state law) and age verification). You MUST have a wristband showing you have PAID to participate in the event and you MUST have a BDWW wine glass. Businesses are NOT allowed to serve you in a personal glass.
Upcoming Best Damn Wine Walks
- Disney Characters- February 8th, 2025
- Vegas Golden Knights- March 8th, 2025
- Luau- April 12th, 2025
Get your tickets at Eventbrite, closer to the event date, and pay attention to the Boulder City, NV Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for more details. Wine walks start at 3:30pm.
Tickets are $25 before the event ($35 day of) and includes a Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Best Damn Wine Walk Glass with 25+ participating businesses that offer a 1 oz. pour at each stop. *Be advised: Not all locations serve wine. Some offer discounts, water and Some offer pre-packaged snacks….you never know what awaits you at your next stop!
Grab your friends and head out to Boulder City for a beautiful day and an even better evening with their Best Damn Wine Walks.
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